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Our Partners

We are delighted to continue working closely with the premier avgas and oil provider. We are looking forward to encouraging a new generation of aerobatic pilots with their support.

Ultimate aerobatics is delighted to work with Trig Avionics as a Trig Associate and we are thrilled to have their avionics in our lovely Cap, and Pitts.

44-8191 G-IILX Extra 330LX White Waltham
Brinkley Propeller

We are extremely excited to be working with Brinkley Propeller who are the premiere propeller overhauler. They are committed to customer service and high quality of work.  

Sponsor Us?


Perhaps you would like to sponsor our beautiful aircraft, associating your brand with an exciting, high octane, precision sport, ensuring you’ll be seen by thousands of people each summer. Every company has unique goals and objectives from sponsorship and we fully understand this. 

We have appeared in national media (BBC Breakfast and the Sunday Times) as well as local and specialist aviation press which demonstrates the potential reach.


This page aims to give you a generic understanding of the benefits of sponsoring our aerobatic team.


If you have an interest in sponsorship then please get in touch here for a proposal tailored to your company’s specific requirements.


Aerobatic sponsorship has low cost activation which enables sponsors to get involved in something different. 


Sport flying indexes well for those companies looking to target a wide range of ages with a good level of expendable income.


After football, air-shows have the second highest level of attendance of any activity in the UK. We know that this interest can be capitalised through sponsorship of competition aerobatic teams and events.


Working with us we can target a number of key events that will give you the greatest exposure, helping to drive awareness through live audience views as well as PR and an increased digital share of voice, aiding online search for your brand.

48-6588 G-IILX Extra 330LX White Waltham
26-3591 3-Ship formation White Waltham 1

Brand Association


Competition aerobatics comes with a number of key associations which can benefit a brand:

  • Excitement & fun
  • Extreme skill
  • Challenge
  • High adrenalin
  • Precision




Aerobatics offers adrenaline experiential events for clients, customers and staff that will give your guests a long remembered experience and will help build advocacy amongst your key people.  We can organise and manage a customer day, giving each of your guests a hands on aerobatic experience finishing with our polished display while your guests enjoy your hospitality.

Ultimate Aerobatics is a trading name of Collett Aviation Services Ltd, registered company number: 11115075 VAT number: 286 9051 66

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