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Thanks to the BWPA

A few weeks ago I attended the annual awards dinner for the British Women Pilots’ Association. I expected to be presented with a certificate for the flying scholarship they kindly awarded me earlier this year. However, I was surprised to also receive their Brabazon Cup. The Cup is for outstanding achievement in aviation and the list of previous winners is long and distinguished and I feel I hardly come close. I am genuinely humbled to have received it and even more so by all the kind words that people have posted on Facebook in response to my winning the trophy.

Doing well in this sport times a lot of time, a lot of training and every penny Mike and I can earn. As such, when an organisation is prepared to give you a scholarship towards training it can make a big difference. As such, I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support this year, it has really helped and I look forward to putting it to good use next year.

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